Entradas populares

viernes, 26 de junio de 2015

I'm feeling nostalgic thesedays.

I remember all the things we lived.
I remember your smile.
I remember every single word you told me.
I remember all the places were you took me.
I remember all the films,all the parks,all the nights.
That's the problem.
I remember everything.


has two meanings:
Forget Everything And Run
Face Everything And Rise.

jueves, 25 de junio de 2015

Too sad to be true.

People keep on disappearing.
This place is getting empty.
And I still belong to it.
Don't leave me alone here.
It's our place,do you remember?
All these crazy days and nights we've lived here.
All the memories we've created.
Don't destroy all that,please.
I don't want to leave.
I know I have to leave.
I promise I'll come back.
I will.
Will you meet me there?


Tu misión no es buscar el amor,sino destruir todas las barreras que has creado en tu interior para no verlo.

martes, 23 de junio de 2015

Find me there.

We had no place to be.
So we created it.

Beautiful life.

There's beauty in everything.

No fear.

"I went deeper and further on
than I’d used to think I’d survive
in the shadows going long
into darkness so deeply blind."


It's not easy being strong.
But once you try it,you become unbreakable.

S'apropa el comiat.

És difícil dir adéu,ja ho sabem.Però admetre no voler tornar a "casa" és insuportable.També aquest és el meu lloc...Un any ple d'experiències,que arriba al seu fi.No cal dir que no oblidarem,que tornarem,que no és un adéu.I,encara així,ja mai no serà el mateix...Perquè ja no passejaré pels carrers de Lisboa sent part d'ella,tornaré a ser una estrangera,una visitant.Ja no seré la ciutat,una de les ciutats més boniques del món.Quan torne a ella,tot serà diferent i dolrà.Però hi hem de tornar...És un encontre necessari,perquè sí quedaran als racons d'aquest indret allò que vam ser i allò que volíem ser.Hi hem deixat la nostra empremta,ella és part de nosaltres i nosaltres la portem a ella allà on anem.No és un adéu,perquè la separació és ja impossible.Gràcies per ensenyar-me tantes coses,per ajudar-me a ser jo,per tots els moments que han constituït la millor etapa de la meva vida.
"Lisboa,vou voltar".

Positive mind,positive world :)

viernes, 19 de junio de 2015

There's not a second chance.

Everything we do for nature,we do for ourselves.

Chief Dan George.

"May the stars carry your sadness away,
may the flowers fill your heart with beauty,
may the hope forever wipe away your tears.
And above all may silence make you stronger."