I want to thank all those people who are and have been around me during all that time.
Thank you to the ones who have always been there,because you are my happiness and support,you are the ones I have always loved.
Thank you to the newest ones,because I will never forget the experiences we have shared and you deserve now a part of my heart too.
Thank you to the ones who helped in the thoughest times,when I need you that much.
I want to thank even the ones who are not a part of my life anymore,because you did me a favour or at least you taught me something.
Thanks for staying with me despite all my negatives,I hope you can stay another more year.
I wish you all the best for this 2015!
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En mi vida,he sentido muchas cosas. He estado enamorada,he sentido y siento un odio profundo. Quiero a la gente que me quiere. He sentido ...
La nostra és una història de lluita.Una història de victòries i derrotes. De llàgrimes vessades.De vull i no puc. De repressió i aïllament...
-A:Dios,no la soporto. -B:¿Por qué? -A:¿En serio me lo preguntas? -B:Sí. -A:Buff...A ver,es:borde,esgoísta,falsa,posesiva,mentirosa...
Al final,no recordamos las palabras de nuestros enemigos,sino los silencios de nuestros amigos.
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